Sunday, August 30, 2015

How To Get Rich The Right Way

Before we start, I would like to say that what I am writing here is my ideas only. I am not a famous person or super rich man or anything, but I think I have experience through enough success and failure to share these words with you. But if you are reading these words, I know you have a desire for success, getting rich and a happy life. For that I thank you.

So you can choose to continue reading, or stop and close this now, if you don't want to.

But if you choose to continue reading, I will share the Rule #1 right now.

Rule No. 1 of Getting Rich the Right Way:

Whatever you do, you should do it to the end. No matter the result is success or failure, you have to do it right to the end. If you stop doing things halfway, it is highly possible that you will NOT become successful. That is not my saying, I learned it from my favourite "guru": T. Harv Eker.

That's why I told you to choose to continue reading, or stop at the beginning. If you think it's not necessary for you to continue reading, you can stop reading right away and do something else. But if you choose to start reading this, I hope you keep to the rule and read it to the end. 

Do you agree with me? Cheers!

Rule No. 2 of Getting Rich the Right Way:

My friends usually come to me and ask for advice "how to make a lot of money". And I ask them back, "why making a lot of money?"

The secret of rule number 2 lies in the word "WANT"

You see, I have never seen anyone literally want to literally sleep on a bed full of money. The truth is that we don't want money. I don't want money. You don't want money. Now what I mean to say is that, we want something else, not money. Money is just a "vehicle" to get you to what you really want. For example, you may want a house on top of a hill that can look out to sea, and to be able to buy that house, you need a certain amount of money. But the thing you want is the house, not the money itself. 

The point is to make clear of what you want in life. 

Imagine money is a car, and what you want to achieve is the destination. If you don't have a car, you can't go to your destination. But if you don't have a destination, you may not need a car. 

Think of what you want in life. That is your goal. You can then convert in into money if you like, but keep in mind that the important thing is goal, not the money. 

Rule No. 3 of Getting Rich the Right Way:

Now that we have solved the "why", we will go on with the "how" to get rich. 

And it's a billions thing to talk about if we discuss this "how" in detail, so here I will just presenting the keys point, the most concise idea I have collected through all those years of mine.

Did you notice this picture at the beginning of the post? That is the answer to the "how" question. 

In order to succeed and achieve your goal, you need to have these 3 sets: mindsetskillset and toolset

Mindset is the first and most important. It is a set of beliefs and thought you set up in your mind. It's like the software inside that controls the computer, the hardware parts. Mindset is especially important because the way you look at matters, the way you think determine a lot to the outcome. 

Did you know...

A person who has good mindset has up to 90% success in his hand already. 

It is the "right way" part I want to talk about in the title. 

Skillset is the set of skills that you need to do something. For example, if you are in the field of business, you may need the skills such as sale, persuasion, leader, team-working,... 

Toolset is the tool you use to get to wealthy, to success. For instant, you can get rich by running a business, investing stocks, selling digital products,... It is the channel that brings you money.

Let's take a wood cutter as an example. He has a good mindset because he knows how many wood he needs to bring back (goal), and which trees are good for chopping down, which trees need to be preserved. He has a good skillset because he knows the way to swing the axe and at which angle to chop the tree down in the most efficient way. He also has a good toolset that is his sharp axe.

Rule No. 4 of Getting Rich the Right Way:

In rule #3 you know that you need to build 3 sets: Mindset, Skillset, and Toolset to become wealthy and successful.

Now the problem is how well and how fast you are at building those three sets. This is where you need to use leverage.
What is a leverage? Leverage is something that with a small effort, you can obtain great result. Leverage helps you do that. For example, in the picture above, with the leverage, a small weigh on the right can balance with the big weight on the left.

Now there are many leverage, (both good and bad) but here I will present you the most popular and efficient leverage. 

In fact, when you are reading this article, and if you find something you can learn up to now, you are actually using this leverage. Let me explain more:

I have spent 8 years working and experience in life and work, I have been trying to achieve success in those 8 years, and with that 8 years, I compact it into something short and concise that you can learn by reading this article just in 5 minutes. It is a leverage and you are using it. This means you spend 5 minutes and you gain a 4-step formula that I have withdrawn after 8 years. And you don't have to spend 8 years of yours working to withdraw this formula yourself.

Yes. The leverage I am talking about is LEARNING

By learning, you will shorten the time you need to spend to discover the path to success significantly. 

Among those 8 years, the first 7 years I spent doing everything by myself. Success was nowhere to be found then. But in the last year, I have been learning from all the "Guru" in the world. With their help, the path to success opens itself up to me. All I had to do was to grab it.

Above all, I would strongly recommend you to attend the course Wealth Trigger 360, it is the best course ever to awaken your Millionaire Mind. By attending this course, you can have the best mindset like all the millionaires in the world. And you know it already, mindset composes of 90% of success.

Wealth Trigger 360 belongs to Dr. Joe Vitale, an author of many best-selling books, movie star of "The Secret", educator and marketing strategist. 

So, to sum up, there are 4 steps to Getting Rich The Right Way:

Did you know that Tiger Wood play with a putter before he can walk? Did you know that Mark Zuckerberg had private tutor in computer programming when he was in middle school? Did you know that Warren Buffett's father usually brought him to his company and let him read books on investing? All of the success people have one thing in common: they learn a lot.

Whatever you do, remember to use leverage and learn. 

Because I don't know the field and expertise of each of you, so I cannot suggest anything for a whole of you in the skillset and toolset, but I can say for sure that everyone will need to have a same good mindset to success in any field.

So again, I strongly recommend you to attend this course:

Now what did I say? If you have come to this line, I would like to congratulate you for completing the first step in getting rich: You Have Finished What You Started. You have finished reading this article. 

Therefore, I have a present for you. Please leave your name and email address here and I will send it to you.

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1 comment:

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